Guest lecture at Anand College of Pharmacy

A Guest Lecture was held in Anand College of Pharmacyon 18th September 2019 by Dr. Shailendra K. Vajpayee (MBBS, MD, Pharmacology, Founder President of Indian Society of hypertension & Head, Govt.Medical College, New Civil Hospital, Surat, Gujrat), on “Cardiovascular Consequences of Eicosanoids”in B.Pharm Hall from 11:30am onwards .
Dr. S. K. vajpayee spoke on Eicosanoids (prostaglandins), enzymatically generated oxidation products of arachidonic acid, its contribution to cardiovascular disease in diverse ways, elucidating of the cardiovascular effects of Arachidonic acid and its Eicosanoid derivatives that has led to consequences of enzymatic oxidation and their influence on cardiac physiology in health and disease. He highlighted on the contributions of cyclooxygenases(COX), lipoxygenases (LOX) and members of the cytochrome P450 family of proteins. he elaborated that Continuing advances in pharmacologic and genetic approaches will allow greater insight into these mechanisms, thereby providing a foundation for the development of targeted pharmaceutical approaches for limiting ischaemic damage, attenuating the deleterious sequelae of cardiac hypertrophy, and preventing arrhythmogenesis.
All the students of (M.Pharm, B.Pharm , D.Pharm) and staff attended in full and learned in detail about the role of Eicosanoids (prostaglandins) in cardiovascular disease.
Dr. K. J. Gohil (Dean) presented memento to the guest, expressing thanks.
Event was coordinated by Mr. Gurvinder Pal Singh (Asst. Prof.) and Mr. Yogendra Mavai (Asst. Prof.) and Dr. Monika Singh (Asst. Prof.) hosted the event.