Anand College of Pharmacy Institution Innovation Cell’ got 2 STARS from MHRD

An ‘Institution Innovation Cell’ (IIC) has been established in 2018 as per the norms of Ministry of Human Resource Development (MHRD), Government of India in Anand College of Pharmacy, (ACP) SGI, Agra got 2 stars rating for the session 2018-19. Rating was done on the basis of participation in various activities/ competitions instructed by MHRD. The main objective of the Innovation Cell is to encourage, inspire and nurture Faculties as well as young students by supporting them to work on new innovative ideas and transform them to prototypes.
Dr. Monika Singh (Asst. Prof.) is the main coordinator as the president of Institution innovation cell of Anand College of Pharmacy. B.Pharm Final year student Deepak Mittal was student coordinator and was star performer. Dr. Monika Singh was also awarded a certificate of appreciation by MHRD for continuous hard work. All 15 students in the team also received appreciation certificate by MHRD IIC.
The Director Dr. K. J. Gohil, praised the efforts of the team who brought this cell to ACP to the next level. Executive Vice President Prof. V. K. Sharma, and Vice Chairman of SGI, Shri Y.K. Gupta, expressed their appreciation and good wishes.