Anand Campus Founded at Agra in 1998 under the flagship of Sharda Group with a commitment to deliver quality education. This Campus that was started in the session 1998 -1999.
The systems and processes are being continuously tuned to accord with its mission of contributing to the national cause of building a pool of competent professionals for deployment anywhere in the world. The Campus prides itself in providing the students with an excellent environment for pursuing their studies. It leaves no stone unturned in enhancing their technical skills & knowledge.
Anand Campus is awarded for its high quality of learning processes, amenities & excellence when compared, amongst the best colleges of the country.
Earning a college degree is all about opening up opportunities in life. It prepares you, both intellectually and socially, for your career and your adult life. The benefits of a college education include career opportunities like better paying and higher skilled jobs, respect in society. It requires a lot of hard work, but that work prepares you for a challenging and rewarding career and a more fruitful life.
Anand College of Pharmacy established in 2006 runs a 4 Year Bachelor of Pharmacy (B. Pharm) program. In keeping with the emerging market need, the college introduced post graduation in Pharmacology (M. Pharm) from the year 2011 onwards and currently running in the year 2018-19.
It is the first college of pharmacy in the part of the state, with a well equipped, state-of -the art research laboratories along with well maintained animal house for the research work where students explore the various effects of drugs and formulations on the animals. The college has been instrumental in developing high quality pharmacists and researchers, in a learner-centered academic and professional environment, with the necessary knowledge, skills and aptitudes, to serve the ever growing healthcare needs of society.
The success of the B. Pharm. program is through a combination of recently revised innovative curriculum and a dedicated faculty team and professional staff who continually strive to promote independent and group learning, problem solving approach with continuous self assessment. The college has excellent laboratories with best in class equipments as per the norms of pharmacy council of India (PCI) and AICTE, New Delhi.
Most of our graduates are placed in the best pharmaceuticals companies all over India or chosen to go overseas for further specialized studies in pharmacy or business administration or successfully placed in related jobs.
quality of
learning processes,
amenities & excellence......
Besides Blackboard teaching, lectures are delivered in digital form by using the new teaching learning model in which students can download the course notes, assignments, and tutorial and a question bank with their solutions even sitting after at home through a Learning Management System or i-google pages.
In the modern scenario wherein there is cut throat competition of being successful, the life of a normal man & woman has no place for patience and time for refining the soul. When all the comforts and materialistic things fail to provide satisfaction and peace to life, sports and physical education comes into picture.